12.7.11 The good news - I've just had a look at the latest web cam image and it looks like an awesome cover!
The bad news - I don't like the look of the rope, it could be broken. I've enlarged and enhanced the image as best I can. Have a look at a crop of the problem area HERE. Also a large corrected full image HERE. I hope I'm just seeing something else, but something looks amiss between poles 4 & 5. Also pole 1 seems to have a lean on it that I haven't noticed before? In addition I can't pick up any rope spanning between poles 5 & 6.
Wed. Had an Oldina meeting tonight and discussed the possibility of us running the tows this weekend. It it a real possibility and Peter will email everybody with more details shortly.
Now the new snow cam is up and running, I've fixed the links and we have it working here, click on the small pic to open a full size image. Love the the new cam, much better quality picture and wide format. Ian has done a fantastic job with this, thanks!
Queens Birthday Long Weekend: a few photos below from Deb, Peter & Karen and myself.
Wed. 8.6.11 Deb has just sent me the following report and photos (below):
"Snow over top of deck rails and up to thighs walking"
The next two pics were sent half an hour later of the Mawson tow and the sign / intersection near Mawson club hut.
These are tiny - poor quality pics as they're just off her phone camera and sent attached to text messages.
I've asked her to let me know what temp it is up there at present and I'll post that here asap.
Update: Just hovering below 0 and snowing heavily.

Mon. 6.6.11 I just received this small pic (below) from Deb who is up at Oldina at present.

Mon. 6.6.11 There seems to be an issue with the new woodheater. Various people report that it's not burning very well - that is, not very hot. I had a look at it when I was up there the weekend before last, for the STSA working bee. The issue seems to be the amount of air introduced to the heater which in turn directly effects how hard it burns - i.e. less air = low burn, more air = high burn. It looked like it wasn't getting enough air to me and looking at the adjustment lever, it seemed like there was another 5mm of travel available in the slot when you push it to the right (high). It could be that this mechanism just wasn't assembled correctly out of the factory. I got up on the roof and checked for blockages in the flue, but that all seemed fine. At the last meeting, Deb agreed to call the manufacturer and report back to us. We could take the top off the heater when it's cold and investigate the mechanism that controls airflow to see if we can determine if this is the problem or not. It could be something that we could adjust ourselves without to much hassle, but we won't know until we have a good look.
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